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Christian Education

UKirk - Campus Ministry

We invite College Students to join in worship and ministry with us.  UKirk, our College Student ministry, meets Sundays following worship for food, fellowship, and faith building.



Youth Ministry Partnership

Together with youth from Clarkesville, Cleveland, Cornelia, and Nacoochee Presbyterian Churches, our youth meet once a month for fellowship, study, worship, and service. In the summer we join together for a mission trip. 

Confirmation Class

High School age youth participate in Confirmation Classes in order to prepare to make their public profession of faith and become members of the congregation.  Classes start in the fall and conclude in the spring before Pentecost Sunday.

Christian Education
​for  Children & Youth 

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for our young people.  The children & youth participate in the first part of the worship service and  leave during the Passing of the Peace, returning for Communion.  The children are studying the stories of the Bible with Melissa Line and the youth are studying the lectionary texts with Charie Martin.  


Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 9:45 am

During the month of December, we are engaged in an Advent Bible Study​: Advent Through the Eyes of Those Who Waited.